On Typewriting

Lessons learned from one year of typewriting.


My 1957 Royal Companion typewriter.

One year anniversary.


One year ago while on a lunch break, I purchased my first typewriter. I passed a typewriter in a local thrift shop window. I stopped in, took a look at it - too expensive - and asked if there were any others for sale. The shopkeeper directed me to a grey 1957 Royal Companion with green keys. I gave it a quick test run and walked away with a ‘new’ typewriter. The idea of getting my hands on a typewriter had long been on my mind. I had to give it a shot. Here’s a few lessons I’ve learned over the past year:

  • My Royal was built in 1957. My MacBook Pro was built in 2022. They are both tools I use for writing. I’ve learned that the best way I can get ideas down is by writing by hand or typewriting. Often I’ll jot notes by hand and write first drafts on the typewriter before moving to the computer.

  • I use the typewriter as a creative tool. It forces me to focus. Once I start a sentence, I’m committed to finishing it. When I started writing seriously about three years ago, I would begin on the computer but I realized that writing on the computer gave me ‘revision paralysis’. I couldn’t finish a sentence without editing it! Typewriting solved this problem for me. I’ll write a first draft by hand or on the typewriter, just to get it down. Later, I’ll re-type what I’ve written on the computer, revising and editing along the way. 

  • Typewriting forces me to slow down. I’m not a great typist and it takes work to move the keys. My typewriting is done slowly. If I don’t know how to end a sentence I’ll pause, think for a few seconds, and continue. This is something I never did on the computer, which allows for fast, almost consciousness writing. While typewriting, it’s necessary to develop a rhythm. If I start typing too fast, the keys will get stuck. I find that a slow, steady pace is best and as a result, my writing is more thoughtful. 



“My sons… say ‘you could go so much faster on a computer’. I know that. But I don't want to go faster. If anything, I’d probably be better off going more slowly.”

- David McCullough on typewriting


  • While typewriting, I’m more concerned with getting the words on the page than typing perfectly. I’m OK with mistakes. I’m not concerned with typing a perfect document - I can do that more easily on the computer. I’m just trying to get a first draft down, which I can then revise with a pen or pencil and re-type on the computer as I revise towards a final draft. 

  • I love that the typewriter instantly produces a page with text on it! No need to print. I can start revising immediately.

  • I’m forced to think about spelling and grammar when typewriting. No spell check here. I’ve since turned off my computer’s autocorrect as well. I should know how to spell correctly!

  • I’ve learned how to perform some basic maintenance on the typewriter and keep it in good working order. It doesn’t take much to keep a typewriter in good shape.

  • I enjoy typewriting. Writing by hand and typewriting provide no distractions. It’s just me and the page. So much of what I do is on a screen and the typewriter is a chance to unplug. I like the sounds it makes - the percussive nature of the machine and the dinging of the carriage bell. This is how the Masters did it and if it worked for them, it can work for me. Also, I enjoy real, physical, analog devices - vinyl records, film cameras, and musical instruments - which have some history or story behind them. I enjoy using them and the typewriter fits right alongside these items. 

My Royal continues to inspire and teach me. I’ve learned a lot about my writing from using a typewriter. After obsessing over typewriters for a long time, I’m glad I took the plunge and picked one up. Currently I’m on the lookout for my ‘perfect’ typewriter - if it even exists - but for now the perfect typewriter is the one I’ve got. 

Until next time, 


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