A Note on Journaling

I've adopted a new habit over the last few months. I've journaled every day for the last 80 days. This wasn’t much of a conscious decision, but an attempt to write more. I journal in the morning while having breakfast. After some stretching and meditation, journaling is the next thing I do.

I have been journaling regularly over the past three years, but I didn't make a daily entry. Sometimes I'd journal every other day, sometimes once a week. Sometimes not at all for long stretches of time, which necessitated a simple entry detailing recent events but not much about what's happening now. Reading over some old entries, I felt my journaling had become hollow. I wanted to get inside my head. Once I began journaling every day, I found that I could write more about how I was feeling that day, without too much detail about 'this happened, then this'.

Now, my daily morning entry has become an essential part of my routine. As I sit down for breakfast, I consult my planner for the day's event and log bullet points on the events of the previous day. Next, I open my journal and write about what I'm thinking and feeling. When I look back on these entries, I am able to remind myself of my headspace that day. This has more substance and meaning for me than simply writing about what's happening. Journaling every day also allows me to explore ideas or thoughts I'm having in the moment.

I plan to continue journaling daily. It's part of my routine now. I look forward to it. I write and get my thoughts down first thing in the morning. I find my mind is clearer after journaling.



Fort Tilden


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